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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Media Day for Stop Hunger Now

Here's a quick blog for yesterday as I am trying to get out of town for a meeting 2 and half hours away. Yesterday, 3/16, the three other pastors and I met at Senoia UMC for a quick lunch and a catch up on our stories in raising money for Stop Hunger Now (http://www.stophungernow.org/ ) and sharing "recipes" on how we are eating our SHN rice meals. Here's a picture of the four of together:


After a quick lunch, the four of us headed up to a local restaurant called Maguires to meet up with a TV crew from WXIA-TV here in Atlanta. There we were greeted by Ted Hall, one of their anchors who actually set down to talk to us about what we were doing and then ate some of the SHN rice meal we had brought with us. Here's a link to that story:


After meeting with the TV crews, the four of us pastors said our good-byes and left. Later that evening, I caught up with Nathaniel Long, the pastor from Senoia UMC who I am on the fast with and we were both interviewed by WEKS 92.5FM  the Bear Radio and were interviewed by them about our involvement with SHN.

     Nathaniel                                                                 Me and "Uncle" Rich
After this day, All I can say is, "Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him, all creatures here below;

Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."


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