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Thursday, September 16, 2010

"The Long Road Back"

This past week has been wonderful; painful but wonderful. Wonderful in that I have been able to spend a week in Florida at the beach with my wife and some beautiful weather each and every day. Painful in the sense in that I'm not as smart as I thought I was. It seems that for the last eight years (maybe longer) while I was in school, I got so wrapped up in books, papers, pastoring, and stuff that I may have (probably did) missed out some important things in life like God, family, and friends.

My wife and I were talking last night about the past ten years or so, and now reflecting back on our talk, I came to see this morning that I missed out on a lot mainly because I had gotten my priorities out of line. Don't get me wrong; I know God called and provided the way for me to go back to school but while going through all of that, I made some decisions based on their ease of choice and not the priority of choice.

The best example I can give is a phrase I have laughed at in the past and hopefully will not in the future. The phrase is "self care" and I mean this for all areas of my life- spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Since I started back to school, my prayer life was based mainly on my needs, I have gained about 35 pounds, not taken a vacation with out books and laptop in tow, and have missed out on numerous opportunities to spend time with my beautiful beloved wife, our two great sons, other family members, and many, many wonderful friends.

So what do I do next? I've admitted my problem so now I need a remedy. First thing is something I should have done eight years ago is praying to God for guidance in how to best live a more balanced life in those areas listed above. And second thing is be more dedicated about being aware of my need for self care. And third, finally send this out and believe that God will allow this to be read by my family and friends who will hold me accountable to follow up on what I have written this day.

Hebrews 10:24-25-"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching."


Sara Tate said...

Absolutely ironic that you posted this today! Ok, let's all do it together. I've got your back. God's got your back. Your beautiful wife has your back. I love you Dan Dixon. You're the greatest.

Phill Ellington said...

Dan, I have been so proud of you for how you progressed down the long educational road. The last Walk I worked with you I was amazed by your spiritual maturity.

As I read your recent blog posting, I was reminded of a statement made by my pastor during seminary days. His words were burned into my heart and soul.

His words: "I believe if God gave an 11th commandment it would be 'Thou shalt have balance in your life.'"

Sarah @ Preaching In Pumps said...

I think we are all coming out of the Candler vortex wondering what the hell just happened! Now that school is over we have a chance to make a fresh start - what does it mean to live faithfully and healthly in this world?

Lauri's Seminary Days said...

I'm so glad to read your post (better late than never on my part). Most people probably didn't notice but during the second half of our time at Candler I withdrew a lot, not participating in a lot of activities outside of classes. It was exactly because I was trying to practice some self care. I look back and wish I had been more engaged with other people but on the other hand I needed down time.
That said, I realized all along that my spiritual life was taking a HUGE hit during seminary, & I've been trying to recover ever since.
You are not alone. I completely understand.